





Im trying to build an array based, "Binary Search Tree" by following the algorithm at:


...using the algorithm I came up with the following code:

void BST::insert( const data &aData )
     item *y = &items[root_index];   // Algorithm calls for NULL assignment..
     item *x = &items[root_index]; 

while ( ! items[root_index].empty )
 y->theData = x->theData; // Ptrs are required or else a crash occurs.
 if ( aData < x->theData )
  x->leftChild = aData;
  x->rightChild = items[root_index].theData;

 // what is p[z] = y? is it outside the looping scheme?

 root_index++; // and make the new child the root?  
 if ( y->empty ) 
  items[root_index].theData = aData;
  items[root_index].empty = false;
 else if ( aData < y->theData )
  y->leftChild = aData; 
 // If we already have a left/right child...make it the root? re-cmpr?
  y->rightChild = items[root_index].theData;



I cannot figure out what p[z] <- y means....Im just incrementing the root to imitate a traverse.

If I already have a left/right child then i should make that left/right child taht im about to overwrite the root? Therein i should make it recurisve so it will switch back to the original root, "R" ?

Insertions insert("R"); insert("A"); insert("F"); insert("L"); insert("B"); insert("C"); insert("T");

+1  A: 

my guess is that your if/else statement isn't comparing correctly:

aData->getName() < items[root_index].theData

why not do

(*aData) < items[root_index].theData


The getName method would have to essentially return a copy of the object for your comparison to work.

Here is the Insert method I wrote for BST:

 /* Insert by node */
 template<class T>
 void Tree<T>::Insert(Node<T> *insertingNode)
  Node<T> *y = NULL;
  Node<T> *x = &this->Root;

  while( x != NULL)
   // y is used as a temp
   y = x;

   // given value less than current
   if(insertingNode->value < x->value)
    // move to left of current
    x = x->ptrLeft;
    // move to right of current
    x = x->ptrRight;

  // now, we're in place
  // parent of inserting value is last node of loop
  insertingNode->ptrParent = y;

  // if there is no node here, insert the root
  if (y == NULL)
   Root = *insertingNode;
   // Place inserting value accordingly
   if(insertingNode->value < y->value)
    // Goes on the left
    y->ptrLeft = insertingNode;
    // Goes on the right
    y->ptrRight = insertingNode;

Jim Schubert
I dont understand how just dereferencing would make the BST any more balanced..I reposed and thanks for the help :)
probably the next biggest obstacle for you is that for every insertion, you'll have to shift all values to the left or right, depending on where you insert, and update your "root index". In a way, what you're working on is half and implementation of a quicksort algorithm. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort
Jim Schubert
OK. The algorithm you are describing is similar to a heap insert?
OK. If I add to the right of the parent i am shifting by: items[2*root_index+2] and to the left would be items[2*root_index+1] ??
should the root_index start at one?
The statement items[2*root_index+2] = *aData; is just not working out, what with my assignment operator overload function..
your logic is still wrong, unfortunately. Try following the pseudocode here: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0070131511/student_view0/chapter12/algorithm_pseudocode.html#if you'd like, I could post my implementation of a BST. it is templated, so it's quite different from yours.
Jim Schubert
Also, MIT OpenCourseWare has a lecture on BST v QuickSort here: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-046JFall-2005/VideoLectures/detail/embed09.htm
Jim Schubert
Thanks a lot for your help Mr. Schubert. I reposted with the code that i thought conformed the best to the algorith you suggested. Thanks!
Ah, im having to hard of a time with this...
Thanks for your help :)