




I'm new to generic class programming so maybe my question is silly - sorry for that. I'd like to know whether the following thing is possible and - if so, how to do it

I have a simple generic class Provider, which provides values of the generic type:

template <class A_Type> class Provider{
A_Type getValue();
    void setSubProvider(ISubProvider* subProvider)
A_Type m_value;
ISubProvider* m_subProvider;

The getValue function shall return m_value in case of m_subProvider is NULL. But if SubProvider is not Null, the value shall be calculated by the SubProvider class.

so subprovider must be of generic type too, but i create it as an abstract class without implementation:

template <class A_Type> class ISubProvider{
virtual A_Type getValue() = 0;

now I want the actual implementations of ISubProvider to be nongeneric! for example I want to implement IntegerProvider which returns type Integer

class IntegerProvider : public ISubProvider{
   int getValue(){return 123;}

and maybe a StringProvider:

class StringProvider : public ISubProvider{
  string getValue(){return "asdf";}

now - how can I code the whole thing, such that i can use the

void setSubProvider(ISubProvider* subProvider)

function of class Provider only with a subprovider that corresponds to the generic type of Provider?

for example, if i instanciate a provider of type int:

Provider<int> myProvider = new Provider<int>();

then it shall be possible to call

myProvider.setSubProvider(new IntegerProvider());

but it must be impossible to call

myProvider.setSubProvider(new StringProvider());

I hope you understand my question and can tell me how to create that code properly :)

Thank you!


You need to derive from your ISubProvider in the following way

class IntegerProvider : public ISubProvider<int>
class StringProvider : public ISubProvider<string>

And so on

Also change you class declaration

template <class A_Type> class Provider{
A_Type getValue();
    void setSubProvider(ISubProvider<A_Type>* subProvider)
A_Type m_value;
ISubProvider<A_Type>* m_subProvider;
+2  A: 

C++ has templates (class templates and function templates), not generics.

Given this declaration:

template <class A_Type> class ISubProvider;

you can't do this:

class IntegerProvider : public ISubProvider{
    int getValue(){return 123;}

because ISubProvider is not a class, it's a class template.

You can though, do this.

class IntegerProvider : public ISubProvider<int> {
    int getValue(){return 123;}

I think that this is what you want to do, in any case.

This also won't work for the same reason.

template <class A_Type> class Provider {
    A_Type getValue();
    void setSubProvider(ISubProvider* subProvider)
    A_Type m_value;
    ISubProvider* m_subProvider;

You have to do something like this.

template <class A_Type> class Provider {
    A_Type getValue();
    void setSubProvider(ISubProvider<A_Type>* subProvider);
    A_Type m_value;
    ISubProvider<A_Type>* m_subProvider;

Now you have achieve what you wanted in that you must provide a pointer to an ISubProvider instantation for the same template type parameter as the Provider class template.

Note, however, that you haven't really gained anything by using a base class templated on type in this case.

Charles Bailey

If you drop the seperate idea of a provider/sub-provider and just create a single provider, your problem solves itself.

template <class A_Type> class Provider{
  typedef Provider< A_Type > my_type;

  A_Type getValue();
  void setSubProvider(my_type* subProvider)
  A_Type m_value;
  my_type* m_subProvider;
Evän Vrooksövich

Hello and thanks! this helped me already

anyway I still have a problem with this. If I do the following:

ISubProvider<class A_Type>* subProvider;
if (asdf=EINTEGER){
    IntegerProvider* ip = new IntegerProvider();
    subProvider = ip;
    stringProvider* sp = new StringProvider();
    subProvider = sp;

then I get the following compilation error:

error C2440: '=': 'IntegerProvider *' cannot be converted to 'ISubProvider<A_Type> *'
Class is generated (instanciated) at compile time, so you can not expect subProvider be of one type or another type depending on some runtime information
So then, how would i create an std::list<ISubProvider<class A_Type>* > and store an IntegerProvider as well as a StringProvider in it?