



I have a web service, code generated by JAX-WS RI (JAX-WS RI 2.1.1-b03-) with one method addroute. I can see the web service in the list of deployed services (http:///jbossws/services) and using that wsdl I can access the method addroute from outside jboss, using curl and soapui.

however when I try to access the web service from within my code I get connection time out errors. does anyone know why this is?


myService = getMyService();

MyService getMyService() {
    MyService_Service srv = new MyService_Service();
    return srv.getMyServiceBeanPort();   


WSDL contains the following snippet:-

<service name="MyServiceBeanService">
 <port binding="tns:MyServiceBinding" name="FDDUtilityServiceBeanPort">
  <soap:address location="http://&lt;server&gt;/Routes/MyServiceBean"/&gt;


i have tried both calling the web service by specifying the wsdl, and by specifying the wsdl...

MyService_Service srv = new MyService_Service(new URL("http://&lt;server&gt;/Routes/MyServiceBean?wsdl"), new QName("http://&lt;namespace&gt;/", "MyServiceBeanPort")).getMyServiceBeanPort();

Can anyone help me please?