



I'm being rejected on the App Store for using private instance variables in my app. The ivars I am supposedly using are most definitely not being accessed in my code, but I am using one or two static libs from third parties. How would I test whether these could actually be the offenders?


Apple is accusing me (and 3rd party libs) of using private instance variables in the UITouch class, including

  • _locationInWindow
  • _tapCount
  • _previousLocationInWindow
  • _timestamp
  • _touchFlags
  • _phase
  • _window
+1  A: 

I am using one or two static libs from third parties

Contact the third parties, requesting explanation, they wrote the code, they must know what's in there. They might have a forum or a comments section, where other users might have expressed these concerns already, and you can look for answers and alternatives.

I've done both, the vendor denies using the private APIs and I haven't found any similar complaints, but I'd still like to know for sure
+3  A: 

You can use nm to scan for which library uses the ivar in question.

% nm static_lib.a | grep name_of_ivar

If you get a line, I think with a capital U, with the name of the ivar you probably have a suspect.

Exactly the stuff I'm looking for, will give it a bash. Thanks
OK so I ran nm -a static_lib.a and it does not look like it's showing any message calls to the UIKit classes, it only shows something like this: U .objc_class_name_NSCharacterSet
I read your update. Those vars can be accessed in a straight struct way, making them being offsets known by the I think you should focus on which parts uses UITouch stuff. ie, who uses/defines touchesBegin:/touchesMove:/touchesEnd:
+8  A: 

I don't know anything about detecting the problem, but we encountered this problem recently; in our case it was caused by the Three20 library. If you are using it, see for a discussion/possible solutions.

I am indeed using Three20, looks like this will solve my issue. Thanks a bunch