What you are looking for is an outer join:
SELECT e.name, d.name
FROM employee e left outer join departments d on e.deptid = d.deptid
This would give you a d.name of NULL for every emplyoee without a department. You can change this to 'Other' with something like this:
CASE WHEN d.name IS NULL THEN 'Other' Else d.name END
(Other, simpler versions for different DBMSs exist, but this should work for most.)
QlikView is a bit tricky, as all joins in QlikView are inner joins by default. There is some discussion in the online help about the different joins, short version is that you can create a new table based on different joins in the script that reads in your data. So you could have something like this in your script:
/* or however else you get your data into QlikView */
SELECT Emps.name, Deps.name
FROM EMPS left join Deps
In order for this join to work the column names for the join have to be the same in both tables. (If necessary, you can contruct new columns for the join when loading the base tables.)
Hope this helps!