



Basically I'm trying to accomplish the same thing that "mailto:[email protected]" does in Internet Explorer Mobile.

But I want to be able to do it from a managed Windows Mobile application. I don't want to send an email pro grammatically in the background.

I want to be able to create the email in Pocket Outlook and then let the user do the rest.

Hopefully that helps you hopefully help me!

+8  A: 

I assume you use C#. You add a reference to System.Diagnostics and then write the following code:

ProcessStartInfo psi = 
  new ProcessStartInfo("mailto:[email protected]?subject=MySubject", "");

This will start the default email client on your mobile device.

The mailto protocol definition might come handy too.

Thanks Petros! Great answer, worked perfectly and was clean and simple, which is something I really wanted and needed. You really helped me out.
No problem! I am glad I could help you!
+3  A: 

You can also use Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm like so:

OutlookSession sess = new OutlookSession();
EmailAccountCollection accounts = sess.EmailAccounts;
//Contains all accounts on the device  
//I'll just choose the first one -- you might want to ask them
    "[email protected]", "The Subject", "The Body");

The DisplayComposeForm method has a lot of overloads with options for attachments and more.

Jake Stevenson
Thanks, Jake, that's exactly what i've been looking for.