Is there a Delphi implementation of an MREW (multiple read, exclusive write) lock, that favors reading over writing?
I think the TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer already favors readers.
As the name of the component implies, a TMREWS should be used when there is much reading and little writing to be done. In addition, the READ operations should be kept to a MINIMUM otherwise your write threads could be left waiting indefinitely.
It is in the SysUtils unit.
Jorge Córdoba
2009-11-16 15:34:12
Check out TJclMultiReadExclusiveWrite from the Project JEDI JCL ( The constructor of that class supports a parameter that tell the code which to favor - readers, writers, or consider them to be equal.
Jason Swager
2009-11-16 16:03:20