Hello! I have search throughout this site to find a answer to my problem and most of the related solutions are for a far more complicated problem. Here is what I need to have done. I created a simple form in Excel 2007. I am looking for the ability to add a button at the bottom of the form which allows the user to click on the button and copy that worksheet into a new worksheet within the same excel document. Basically just duplicating the active worksheet.
I tried to do it with macros but did not get the desired results, and most of our co-workers still use Excel 2003 so I am not sure if macros will work in the older version of excel. I do not know any VBA which is why I come here in search of help from you all.
So to recap.
- One sheet Excel document with a simple form and a command button at the bottom of the active worksheet
- The command button "Copy and Paste" that worksheet into a new worksheet within the same excel document
- A solution that could work in both Excel 2003 and 2007 if possible. If not, for 2007.
Thanks so much ahead of time for anyone who is willing to help out a Novice Excel User.