
Easiest and quickest way of Web enabling old VBA apps

Given an small Excel VBA app (single form, small amount of records saved in single worksheet) that runs quite happily locally on the workstation, what would be the easiest and quickest way of providing the same app on the web? Re-writing the app is an option but I thought it was worth checking if there was a quicker solution out there. ...

Excel Print Worksheets by Name

I've got an Excel 2007 Spreadsheet and I'd like to write a VBA procedure to print particular worksheets by name. How do I do this? For example, I'd like to print "FirstSheet","ThirdSheet", and "FourthSheet" but not "SecondSheet". ...

Copying multiple worksheets simultaneously to preserve chart references

I've created a two-worksheet template in Excel - the first sheet is for pretty charts, and the other sheet is for the data that drives those charts. I've written a 2005 app that can dump in all my data on the second worksheet, and the chart worksheet updates perfectly. I would like to do this report several times over in the sam...

Copying Excel Worksheets in POI

Does anyone know of a means to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another using POI? The Workbook class has a cloneSheet method, but there doesn't seem to be able to insert a cloned sheet into a new workbook? If there isn't an API to do this easily, does anyone have the code to copy all of the data (styles, column widths, data, etc) ...

Get ID of excel worksheet in focus using OLE

Using C++ and OLE, how might I go about obtaining the ID of the worksheet that is currently in focus? For example, I have the following code: Variant excelSheets; Variant excelSheet; excelSheets.OleProcedure("Add"); excelSheet= excelSheets.OlePropertyGet("Item", 1); I would like to add a sheet and then get the sheet ...

Getting "Invalid bracketing of name" error when i try to run query on excel sheet

In order to make some reports i need to parse some excel files. When i try to select records from sheet i get next error: Invalid bracketing of name '1. page$'. Heres my code: OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [1. page$]", connectionString); I know it will work if i rename sheet to "page" for example, ...

VB Excel: How to move Worksheet with Forms/Macros

Hello again. I'm having a problem transferring a worksheet into another workbook. I've written several macros in my first workbook, as well as 1 or 2 forms, and I need to be able to move this worksheet that contains these macros and forms into a new workbook. If I just do a simple worksheet copy, the new version of the worksheet will ...

excel vba: how to loop through a subset of worksheets

I know how to loop through all the worksheets in a workbook, and how to exit once I reach an 'end-flag' worksheet: For Each ThisWorkSheet In Worksheets If ThisWorkSheet.Name = "FlagEnd" Then Exit For MsgBox "This worksheet name is: " & ThisWorkSheet.Name Next However I cannot get the loop to begin on a 'start-flag' worksheet (or...

Excel copy worksheet

In Excel VBA (or if you could in C#, I'm using the Excels Object Library from .NET), how to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another sheet in another workbook. Basically, what I'm doing is copying every of my sheet into a central worksheet in another workbook and then will do all the stuff I need to do there. I tried using Range.Cop...

C#: Getting the number of rows/columns with ExcelPackage

I need to read and write data from an Excel spreadsheet. Is there a method to finding out how many rows/columns a certain worksheet has using ExcelPackage? I have the following code: FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\example.xlsx"); using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(newFile)) { Exce...

EXCEL 2007 - Need Help creating a button which takes the contents of active worksheet and pastes it in a new worksheet

Hello! I have search throughout this site to find a answer to my problem and most of the related solutions are for a far more complicated problem. Here is what I need to have done. I created a simple form in Excel 2007. I am looking for the ability to add a button at the bottom of the form which allows the user to click on the button...

how to create a multi worksheet excel jasper report??

how to create a multi worksheet excel jasper report?? can i only specify in the jrxml file??? or i need to do some special coding in java??? ...

How to set the sheet name for a C# generated Excel spreadsheet?

We generate an Excel spreadsheet in our C# .net website by writing out an HTML table to Response. This works great, but the sheet name gets set to the same as the file name. Is there away to set this? We require a certain sheet name when importing. Code: string filename = String.Format( "{0}-CopyDataBack_{1}.xls", Master.EventID.ToStr...

convert xml to excel with multiple worksheet.

Hi.. if I export the below xml to excel 2007...i am able to get the excel sheet correctly. <Workbook> <Worksheet > <MyXml> <New A="111" B="222" /> </MyXml> <MyXml> <New A="111" B="222" /> </MyXml> </Worksheet> </Workbook> But I need a workbook with more than one worksheet...How do i specify the xml in this case ? ...

Excel - Worksheet_Activate Code for New Sheets

Hi, I have three questions about VBA and controlling/manipulating new windows. I have several sheets set up. Master | Worksheet1 | Worksheet2 | Notes | Work Orders | Contact Info 1) I have WorkSheet_Activate functions set up on Notes, Work Orders, Contact Info that open up all three sheets in seperate windows and arrange them vert...

Is it possible to convert an HTML document to Excel with multiple Worksheets/tabs?

Hi there, I know we can send regular html files through the tubes and have the browser open them as Excel documents (you do that by changing http headers and the file name, then excel does the conversion). BUT, is it possible to get an HTML document show up in Excel with two Worksheets/Tabs? Here's what I thought might work, but didn't...

Excel tab sheet names vs. Visual Basic sheet names

It seems that Visual Basic can not reference sheets according to user-modified sheet names. The worksheet tabs can have their names changed, but it seems that Visual Basic still thinks of the worksheet names as Sheet1, etc., despite the workbook tab having been changed to something useful. I have this: TABname = rng.Worksheet.Name '...

Can I export a SharePoint list to an Excel file subdivided into separate worksheets?

We have a SharePoint 2007 deployment which will have a substantially large document library. My client wants the ability to export this library to an Excel spreadsheet, but specifically wants the ability to divide the spreadsheet into several worksheets based on a specific field. Is this possible to accomplish in WSS 3.0, through the obj...

MS Excel - Macros for consolidating values from multiple sheets into a single sheet

Hi everyone... Consider i have 4 workbooks with the following structure... 1. Main.xlsx Name Jan Feb Mar A B C 2. Jan.xlsx Name Jan A 3.3 B 6.4 C 5.3 3. Feb.xlsx Name Feb A 1.3 B 3.4 C 5.5 4. Mar.xls...

How to select visibility of specific worksheet at the opening of Excel using Spreadsheet XML

Hi, I am getting spreadsheet xml from a code logic (Flex Grids to spreadsheet xml). I have 3 worksheets (A, B, C) in that spreadsheet xml. I am opening this spreadsheet xml in Excel. I want to view worksheet B when I am opening the spreadhseet xml in Excel. Is there any tag/code, I need to add so that worksheet B will be visible at in...