



We are using boost::filesystem in our application. I have a 'full' path that is constructed by concatenating several paths together:

#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace bf = boost::filesystem;

int main()
    bf::path root("c:\\some\\deep\\application\\folder");
    bf::path subdir("..\\configuration\\instance");
    bf::path cfgfile("..\\instance\\myfile.cfg");

    bf::path final ( root / subdir / cfgfile);

    cout << final.file_string();

The final path is printed as:


This is a valid path, but when I display it to the user I'd prefer it to be normalized. (Note: I'm not even sure if "normalized" is the correct word for this). Like this:


Earlier versions of Boost had a normalize() function - but it seems to have been deprecated and removed (without any explanation).

Is there a reason I should not use the BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED macro? Is there an alternative way to do this with the Boost Filesystem library? Or should I write code to directly manipulating the path as a string?

+1  A: 

It's still there. Keep using it.

I imagine they deprecated it because symbolic links mean that the collapsed path isn't necessarily equivalent. If c:\full\path were a symlink to c:\rough, then c:\full\path\.. would be c:\, not c:\full.

+4  A: 

the explanation is at :

Work within the realities described below.

Rationale: This isn't a research project. The need is for something that works on today's platforms, including some of the embedded operating systems with limited file systems. Because of the emphasis on portability, such a library would be much more useful if standardized. That means being able to work with a much wider range of platforms that just Unix or Windows and their clones.

where the "reality" applicable to removal of normalize is:

Symbolic links cause canonical and normal form of some paths to represent different files or directories. For example, given the directory hierarchy /a/b/c, with a symbolic link in /a named x pointing to b/c, then under POSIX Pathname Resolution rules a path of "/a/x/.." should resolve to "/a/b". If "/a/x/.." were first normalized to "/a", it would resolve incorrectly. (Case supplied by Walter Landry.)

the library cannot really normalize a path without access to the underlying filesystems, which makes the operation a) unreliable b) unpredictable c) wrong d) all of the above

just somebody
I think wanting to normalize the path is sane, natural, and expected behaviour. Looks like they have over-thought this one and erred on the side of wrong.
Boost.Filesystem aiming at inclusion in the C++ standard, which is why they removed the features that are useful on *some* of the platforms.there's already a de-facto *and* de-iure standard for the feature you're longing, its realpath() in POSIX:The realpath() function shall derive, from the pathname pointed to by file_name, an absolute pathname that resolves to the same directory entry, whose resolution does not involve '.' , '..' , or symbolic links. % cd /home/foo/tmp % ln -s foo .. % echo $PWD/foo/.. /home/foo/tmp/foo/.. % realpath $PWD/foo/.. /home/foo
just somebody
This part of symbolic links always bugged me, that's quite a violation of the Principle of Least Astonishment :/
Matthieu M.
which part? AFAICS "this part" is the whole point of symlinks, no?
just somebody
At the very least the macro to re-enable this functionality should have been called BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NOT_NECESSARILY_PORTABLE (or something like that). Calling the code 'deprecated' makes one think that it could be dropped from a future release.
+2  A: 

As mentioned in other answers, you can't normalise because boost::filesystem can't follow symbolic links. However, you can write a function that normalises "as much as possible" (assuming "." and ".." are treated normally) because boost offers the ability to determine whether or not a file is a symbolic link.

That is to say, if the parent of the ".." is a symbolic link then you have to retain it, otherwise it is probably safe to drop it and it's probably always safe to remove ".".

It's similar to manipulating the actual string, but slightly more elegant.

boost::filesystem::path resolve(const boost::filesystem::path& p)
    boost::filesystem::path result;
    for(boost::filesystem::path::iterator it=p.begin();
        if(*it == "..")
            // /a/b/.. is not necessarily /a if b is a symbolic link
            if(boost::filesystem::is_symlink(result) )
                result /= *it;
            // /a/b/../.. is not /a/b/.. under most circumstances
            // We can end up with ..s in our result because of symbolic links
            else if(result.filename() == "..")
                result /= *it;
            // Otherwise it should be safe to resolve the parent
                result = result.parent_path();
        else if(*it == ".")
            // Ignore
            // Just cat other path entries
            result /= *it;
    return result;
Adam Bowen