I was going through Josuttis's "Using Map's as associative arrays" and came across Using a std::map as an associative array in this forum. Now I have more questions on the constructors that are called when inserting into map.
Here is my sample program, ( Not using best coding practices, excuse me for that)
class C
string s;
C() { cout << "default " << endl;}
C(const string& p) : s(p)
{ cout << "one param" << endl;}
C(const C& obj)
if (this != &obj)
s = obj.s;
cout << "copy constr" << endl;
C& operator = (const C& obj)
if (this != &obj)
s = obj.s;
cout << "copy initializer" << endl;
return *this;
int main()
map<int,C> map1;
C obj("test");
cout << "Inserting using index" << endl;
map1[1] = obj;
cout << "Inserting using insert / pair" << endl;
The output for this program is:
one param
Inserting using index
copy constr
copy constr
copy initializer
Inserting using insert / pair
copy constr
copy constr
copy constr
copy constr
I was assuming that initializing the map by index should call the default constructor and followed by the assignment operator .
But executing map1[1] = obj
creates following output;
Inserting using index
copy constr
copy constr
copy initializer
Can someone help me to understand the intialization better?