have an app using tabs, those tabs are mapped as shown in TTNavigatorDemo, in each of those tabs I have varying table views. Each table item has a dynamic TTURLMap URL associated with it. When I select an item, I know the subsequent view controller is being called, i just log in the initWithNavigatorURL function. However, the view is never pushed onto the stack.
Any ideas?
Here are my URL mappings:
[map from:@"tt://tabBar" toSharedViewController:[TabBarController class]];
[map from:@"tt://event/instance?" toViewController:[EventView class]];
[map from:@"tt://news/instance?" toViewController:[NewsView class]];
[map from:@"tt://category/list?" toViewController:
[CategorySubTableViewController class]];
And the item definition:
[self.items addObject:[SubtitleItemView itemWithText:result.name subtitle:result.description
query:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:result.name, @"name",result.description, @"desc",result.date,@"date",nil]