



I am about to start develop a finance/expenses tracking/management/statistics webapplication, somewhat similar to , (except bank integration), for a college project and I am looking for a name

credit will be given in the documentation if the name will be used

if this turns later into a real-life project the name will be changed

unsure if this belongs on stackoverflow, but I figured that since it is a programming project here is a place to ask for ideas

Is your question about programming? - It is related to programming
We prefer questions that can be answered, not just discussed. - there many answers, they don't need discussion

+1  A: 
  • Scrooge
  • pennypincher
  • frugality
  • moolah
  • dough
  • bling
  • inmymattress

MyMoney, ISpent, ImBroken... It depends from what are you looking for.


Some ideas off the top of my head:

  • BigSpender
  • st@tement
  • Fiscality
  • My Online Money - It's as safe as Mom!
  • ManEx - Manage Expenses
  • you could call it Dave and say that "Dave is your own personal accountant" (Or Doug or any "accountant sounding name")
  • Ponzi/Madoff etc.
  • BudgeIT

Dodgy Abbreviations:

  • F.U.N - Financial Upkeep (unification/utility etc) Notepad
  • C.A.S.H - Comprehensive Allocations and Spending Hub (or Homepage etc)
  • S.P.E.N.D - Secure Personal Expense Needs Database

As this is a homework product, I wouldn't worry too much if you infringe on an existing trademark. you mention XPenser, so why not eXpenserER - The expense tracking application for Economic Reliability. Or, a common mispelling of something in the related field (like XPenser is Expenser).

Whenever naming things for Uni, I tended to try and be humorous and serious at the same time. Whilst the name would be funny, I would then treat it as a normal name and the Branding was normally conservative.

Good Luck1

Sam Pride
accepted answer for the extra recommendation, have not decided yet about the name

Off the top of my head: - MoneyWatcher - MoneyFlow - The Honest Accountant

Also I am mad for recursive acronyms so something like: SOFT Online Financial Tracker
