Fixing a working copy to match the latest changes pushed
git checkout HEAD
Might be what you're looking for.
The pushes from the client change the index and not the working files, so you have working files that are unchanged while the git recording of things has moved ahead. In order to just wipe the working files in favor of the latest incarnation, you have the checkout the latest version that got pushed up to the server.
Using two non-bare repositories
I just realized that I gave you the information to understand the problem (index changes implicitly but working files only change explicitly), but not necessarily the best way to fix it. Here is what I have done in the past, and what I suggest if you don't want to get a central bare repository involved:
On the server:
git branch staging
git checkout staging
On the client machine:
Hack away at some changes in master, then push to the server.
On the server:
git rebase master
(explicitly updating your staging branch to match the updated index.)
Finally if you want to make changes from on the server (bugfixes, what have you), you will want to sync those changes up to master as well, which you can do by:
On the server:
Commit changes made on the staging branch.
git rebase master
git checkout master
git rebase staging
git checkout staging
And there you go, every commit in master will be in staging, and every commit that was made in the staging branch will be the latest commits in master.
That kind of workflow should work out for you even with a non-bare central repository. Essentially you're leaving the server's master branch bare, and making the staging branch the working copy for the server.
Using a central bare repo is cleaner
Generally, despite that 2 points in the network seem simplest, having a "centralized" bare repository is often simpler, it allows you to always both push and pull to that location without having to really think about it. I also recommend the benefits of the web code visualization you can get from for this reason (free for open source stuff, I use it for everything that I do these days).