A good C++ book for someone that needs a GOOD, BUT QUICK REFRESHER on templates, virtual void, inline, the finder points, extern, etc, etc
I taught myself C++ (from C) using Thinking In C++. Thinking In C++ is available as a free E-Book. I find it's good to look back over to get a review when you've forgotten the exact syntax of a few things and such..
Also, it starts teaching assuming that you already know a C-ish language.. so it's really pretty good for any programmer that wants to teach themselves C++
If you are already familiar with C++, go through The C++ Programming Language and skip the parts you are still intimate with.
Bruce Eckel's 'Thinking in C++' is a good refresher. I'd stay away from the 'The C++ Programming Language' if I'm short on time.
I used Effective C++ to review before job interviews. Not only did it remind me how to use a lot of the features of C++, but it also gave me some new tips and tricks I hadn't heard/thought of before.