Hi,I want to write a server using a pool of worker threads and an IO completion port. The server should processes and forwards messages between multiple clients. The 'per client' data is in a class ClientContext. Data between instances of this class are exchanged using the worker threads. I think this is a typical scenario.
However, I have two problems with those IO completion ports.
(1) The first problem is that the server basically receives data from clients but I never know if a complete message was received. In fact WSAGetLastError() always returns that WSARecv() is still pending. I tried to wait for the event OVERLAPPED.hEvent with WaitForMultipleObjects(). However, it blocks forever, i.e WSARecv() never completes in my program. My goal is to be absolutely sure that the whole message has been received before further processing starts. My message has a 'message length' field in its header, but I don't really see how to use it with the IOCP function parameters.
(2) If WSARecv() is commented out in the code snippet below, the program still receives data. What does that mean? Does it mean that I don't need to call WSARecv() at all? I am not able to get a deterministic behaviour with those IO completion ports. Thanks for your help!
while(WaitForSingleObject(module_com->m_shutdown_event, 0)!= WAIT_OBJECT_0)
dequeue_result = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(module_com->m_h_io_completion_port,
if (lp_completion_key == NULL)
//Shutting down
//Get client context
current_context = (ClientContext *)lp_completion_key;
//IOCP error
if(dequeue_result == FALSE)
//... do some error handling...
// 'per client' data
thread_state = current_context->GetState();
wsa_recv_buf = current_context->GetWSABUFPtr();
// 'per call' data
this_overlapped = current_context->GetOVERLAPPEDPtr();
while(thread_state != STATE_DONE)
//Check if completion packet has been posted by internal function or by WSARecv(), WSASend()
if(transfered_bytes > 0)
dwFlags = 0;
transf_now = 0;
transf_result = WSARecv(current_context->GetSocket(),
if (SOCKET_ERROR == transf_result && WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
//...error handling...
// put received message into a message queue
else // (transfered_bytes == 0)
// Another context passed data to this context
// and notified it via PostQueuedCompletionStatus().