In a stored procedure (Oracle in my case), I want to add some values to an existing record. Problem is that both the existing value and the value to be added can be null. I only want the result to be NULL when both operands are null. If only one of them is null, I want the result to be the other operand. If both are non-null, I want the result to be "normal" addition.
Here's what I am using so far:
SELECT column INTO anz_old FROM aTable Where <someKeyCondition>;
IF anz_old IS NULL
anz_new := panzahl;
anz_new := anz_new + NVL (panzahl, 0);
UPATE aTabel set column = anz_new Where <someKeyCondition>;
Is there a more elegant way (pereferably completely in SQL, i.e. just in an update statement short of a long CASE-Statement with basically the same logic as the above code)?