




In a stored procedure (Oracle in my case), I want to add some values to an existing record. Problem is that both the existing value and the value to be added can be null. I only want the result to be NULL when both operands are null. If only one of them is null, I want the result to be the other operand. If both are non-null, I want the result to be "normal" addition.

Here's what I am using so far:

SELECT column INTO anz_old FROM aTable Where <someKeyCondition>;
IF anz_old IS NULL
    anz_new := panzahl;
    anz_new := anz_new + NVL (panzahl, 0);
UPATE aTabel set column = anz_new Where <someKeyCondition>;

Is there a more elegant way (pereferably completely in SQL, i.e. just in an update statement short of a long CASE-Statement with basically the same logic as the above code)?

+9  A: 

If you want to add a and b and either may be null, you could use coalesce, which returns the first non-null parameter you pass it:


So in this case, if neither parameter is null, it will return the sum. If only b is null, it will skip a+b and return a. If a is null, it will skip a+b and a and return b, which will only be null if they are both null.


In SQL, Null is supposed to be a state that says "I don't know".

If you don't know how much b is, then you also do not know how much a+b is, and it is misleading to pretend that a+b=a in that case.

Erwin Smout
True, but it might be the best estimate that you have.
Well, we can get into the debate of don't know, not applicable etc. for NULL. In my case, NULL corresponds best to n/a .. so if I have a Non-NULL value and a NULL, it is fair to use the value .. it maps best to the what I'm modeling.