I have three tables:
unmatched_purchases table:
unmatched_purchases_id --primary key
purchases_id --foreign key to events table
location_id --which store
item_id --item purchased
purchases table:
purchases_id --primary key
location_id --which store
transaction_id --primary key
trans_timestamp --timestamp of when the transaction occurred
item_id --item purchased
All three tables are very large. The purchases table has 590130404 records. (Yes, half a billion) Unmatched_purchases has 192827577 records. Credit_card_transactions has 79965740 records.
I need to find out how many purchases in the unmatched_purchases table match up with entries in the credit_card_transactions table. I need to do this for one location at a time (IE run the query for location_id = 123. Then run it for location_id = 456) "Match up" is defined as:
1) same customer_id
2) same item_id
3) the trans_timestamp is within a certain window of the purchase_date
(EG if the purchase_date is Jan 3, 2005
and the trans_timestamp is 11:14PM Jan 2, 2005, that's close enough)
I need the following aggregated:
1) How many unmatched purchases are there for that location
2) How many of those unmatched purchases could have been matched with credit_card_transactions for a location.
So, what is a query (or queries) to get this information that won't take forever to run?
Note: all three tables are indexed on location_id
EDIT: as it turns out, the credit_card_purchases table has been partitioned based on location_id. So that will help speed this up for me. I'm asking our DBA if the others could be partitioned as well, but the decision is out of my hands.
CLARIFICATION: I only will need to run this on a few of our many locations, not all of them separately. I need to run it on 3 locations. We have 155 location_ids in our system, but some of them are not used in this part of our system.