



I would like to do the following on iPhone/iPodTouch: Open a video and - via swipe or tilt - use gesture to move through each frame. Think of it as a gestural flipbook.

Does the video API support seeking frame by frame in this manner?

Thanks, Doug


There's no direct support for this in the SDK with Apple's move player, but you could potentially build it yourself using FFmpeg or a similar library.

David Maymudes
How would that work with ffmpeg? Please outline a bit more. It doesn't make sense to me because ffmpeg itself does not run on the iPhone--it merely encodes source media to a target format that the iPhone can read.
Stu Thompson
You can compile parts of the FFmpeg library into your app; see for example It's not exactly easy, and there are licensing issues to be aware of, but it's definitely possible.
David Maymudes