Is there a plugin which would allow me to create a "trend" graph for a hudson build which shows the build time for that project?
I'm tasked with speeding up the build and I'd like to show a nice trend as I speed it up.
Is there a plugin which would allow me to create a "trend" graph for a hudson build which shows the build time for that project?
I'm tasked with speeding up the build and I'd like to show a nice trend as I speed it up.
This is supported out of the box: http://SERVER/hudson/job/JOBNAME/buildTimeTrend
Beside the build # and duration, is there a way to put the build date-time stamp in the build trend report?
This is useful for triaging the build performance issues that occur at certain time. Having the time stamp next to the build # helps in identifying the pattern and correlating with other activities that are happening in the build system/infrastructure.