I am customizing wordpress blog and I have a need to make custom sidebar widgets. My PHP is rusty at best. What I am trying to do is concatenate a php variable into a string being set as an array element. here is the code I am using, it doesn't seem to work. All it does is print the stylesheet directory at the top of every page:
if ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )
"before_widget" => "<div class=\"rounded_box\"><div class=\"top_curve\"><img src=\"".bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')."/images/top_curve.jpg\" alt=\"Top\" width=\"247\" height=\"9\" /></div><div class=\"middle\">",
"after_widget" => "</div><div class=\"bottom_curve\"><img src=\"".bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')."/images/bottom_curve.jpg\" alt=\"Bottom\" /></div></div>",
"before_title" => "<h2>",
"after_title" => "</h2>",
so as you can see here I am trying to concatenate the bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')
into 2 of the elements. This doesn't work properly. It just ends up printing it at the top of the page before the doctype