



I am customizing wordpress blog and I have a need to make custom sidebar widgets. My PHP is rusty at best. What I am trying to do is concatenate a php variable into a string being set as an array element. here is the code I am using, it doesn't seem to work. All it does is print the stylesheet directory at the top of every page:

if ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )
  "before_widget" => "<div class=\"rounded_box\"><div class=\"top_curve\"><img src=\"".bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')."/images/top_curve.jpg\" alt=\"Top\" width=\"247\" height=\"9\" /></div><div class=\"middle\">",
  "after_widget" => "</div><div class=\"bottom_curve\"><img src=\"".bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')."/images/bottom_curve.jpg\" alt=\"Bottom\"  /></div></div>",
  "before_title" => "<h2>",
  "after_title" => "</h2>",

so as you can see here I am trying to concatenate the bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') into 2 of the elements. This doesn't work properly. It just ends up printing it at the top of the page before the doctype.


Use implode:

string implode  ( string $glue  , array $pieces  )
string implode ( array $pieces )

Join array elements with a glue string.

i am not trying to join the array elements. I am trying to concatenante the `bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')` into 2 of the elements but it is not working properly.
Russ Bradberry

It looks like you have a comma at the end. It might be that. Remove it and test. I've also replace \" with a singe '.

UPDATE replaced bloginfo() with get_bloginfo().

if ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )
  $args =array(
  "before_widget" => "<div class='rounded_box'><div class='top_curve'><img src='".get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')."/images/top_curve.jpg' alt='Top' width='247' height='9' /></div><div class='middle'>",
  "after_widget" => "</div><div class='bottom_curve'><img src='".get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')."/images/bottom_curve.jpg' alt='Bottom' /></div></div>",
  "before_title" => "<h2>",
  "after_title" => "</h2>");'

this has the same effect of printing the stylesheet directory at the top of the page
Russ Bradberry
What if you try `$before_wid = "string 1".bloginfo('stylesheet_directory')."string 2";` And then you put `"before_widget" => $before_wid` ?
+3  A: 

bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') will echo the stylesheet directory. When you declare the array, you are effectively writing to stdout. This is why it will show on top of the page. What you are looking for is get_bloginfo.

Right on @Gordon. This is the correct answer.
Doug Neiner
thank you, this was exactly it!
Russ Bradberry
As an aside, a good example of why 'view' type helpers shouldn't echo on their own, but return the output for the calling script to control.
Tim Lytle

I know that this is not technically the answer to your question, but have you considered:

if ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )
    $ssheet_dir = bloginfo('stylesheet_directory');
            "before_widget" => "<div class=\"rounded_box\"><div class=\"top_curve\"><img src=\"$ssheet_dir/images/top_curve.jpg\" alt=\"Top\" width=\"247\" height=\"9\" /></div><div class=\"middle\">",
            "after_widget" => "</div><div class=\"bottom_curve\"><img src=\"$ssheet_dir/images/bottom_curve.jpg\" alt=\"Bottom\"  /></div></div>",
            "before_title" => "<h2>",
            "after_title" => "</h2>",

It would be easier and faster -- it would only involve making the bloginfo function call once.

Christopher W. Allen-Poole