Hi all!
After one of my last questions about python&c++ integration i was told to use dlls at windows. (Previous question)
That worked ok doing:
cl /LD A.cpp B.cpp C.pp
in windows enviroment, after setting the include path for boost, cryptopp sources and cryptopp libraries.
Now i'm tryting to do the same in linux, creating a .so file to import through ctypes on python2.5. I did:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic A.cpp B.cpp C.cpp /usr/lib/libcryptopp.so -shared -o /test/decoding.so
and the so object is created ok. If removed "-shared" compilation is OK but stops as no main in there (obviously ;) ). Of course libcryptopp.so exists too.
But when i go to python and import the "so" file, it said that the attribute has no object "decrypt", "encrypt" or whatever i put there. using "dir" over the dll objects confirms that they are not there.
external functions are defined in A.cpp as:
int encrypt (params...)
return num;
int decrypt (params...)
return num;
also tried using:
extern "C" encrypt (params...)
Could anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!