




I have a 3rd party application that doesn't come with an installer. It's a very small exe, a simulator.

Anyhow, it crashes on startup due to some missing libraries. But the error doesn't tell me which ones. Is there an application on windows that tells me which libraries are going to be loaded at program load time?


Only a partial answer: DEPENDS.EXE tells you what dlls a dll needs. I think it works for EXE's too.

Adam A
+6  A: 

It's been a few years since i've used it but Dependency Walker got me through a lot of DLL hell.

Also, Process Explorer is a great and fast way to see what DLLs are loaded by an EXE on a test machine... for comparison purposes when hunting down missing DLLs.

Paul Sasik
I use dependency walker myself.
Dependancy walker did the trick. Once I got some of the DLL's on there I discovered it needed the dot net runtime. Once I installed that all was well.
Matt H

I guess checking the event viewer will give you some insight. Also when the exception is not caught by exe, windows would popup a dialogues box. I guess if you read carefully, you will see the name of the dll.
