




I'm getting an odd error when I try to push to a new remote repository. I'm a git newbie, but following some tutorials, I was able to setup a few test repositories on a remote server and push to them. But the main repository I want to push up is giving me trouble. Here's what I did.

On the remote server I created a new directory. I then initialized a bare git repository inside that directory. On my machine I added the remote, and then I pushed to remote site. It looked like it was working, but after a little while I came back and found this error.

Counting objects: 4364, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4240/4240), done.
error: pack-objects died with strange error | 44 KiB/s   
error: failed to push some refs to 'mysite:main_site_repo'

What could be wrong? In this repository, I do have a few media files (about 40MB each). Could they be a problem? I don't get any timeout errors, but I do see that it makes it through about 44MB before failing. Is there a way to have git spit out debug info?

Also I accidentally let this repository fall off the main branch and made a few commits while not on any branch. I merged everything back into the main branch and am now working from there again, but could this be the source of the problem?

git version on my computer: git version on server:


did you try pulling before pushing? sometime that's the problem


Unfortunately, the error message is rather vague and can point to a number of issues. The most common problem is that the version of Git on the remote server is different from the version used to push locally. I noticed that your local version of Git is, and the remote version is Upgrade the Git version on the server to and see if the problem goes away.

The receive-pack protocol makes greate pains to preserve backwards compatibility. Between recent minor revisions such as and this is very unlikely to be an issue.
Charles Bailey
+1  A: 

Do you have any large binary file? Git does not handle large binary files well. It is running out of memory. Try to disable delta and try again.


*.iso  binary -delta

in your .gitattribute, where *.iso is your large file name

J-16 SDiZ
+1  A: 

Thanks to everyone for the responses. I will remember to check those things the next time something like this happens. It turns out though that this time the issue was caused by the server I was pushing to killing my long running process as part of a security precaution. I've chatted with the administrator and he's updated it so my push will work now.

Thanks again to everyone for all the help.

+1  A: 

I've often received this error as a result of a permissions error where some files in the object directory are owned by the wrong user. This happens if you push to a repository locally as one user but push to that same repository remotely (over SSH) as a different user, as is often the case with gitosis. But the situation can happen in other contexts as well.
