Hello, I did some experiments on autorotation. The situation: I have a TabBar 4(tabs), three should be portrait only. The last one is a UINavigationController, which by itself should not autorotate any of the stacked controllers. It is basically a browsing application, as I show file and folders everything should be portrait. Some times, a special UIViewController is pushed, and I would like only this one to autorotate (it is always the last on the stack). In this last view, the tabbar is hidden.
How I achieved the goal: I subclassed the UITabBarController, to override the standard shouldAutorotate method behaviour:
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
if([self.selectedViewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]])
return [[(UINavigationController*)self.selectedViewController visibleViewController] shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:interfaceOrientation];
return [self.selectedViewController shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:interfaceOrientation];
This way, the answer of shouldAutorotate is forwarded to the controlled tabs, and in particular for the UINavigationController, it is again delegated to the visible UIViewController. Basically this works, as I have all the UIViewControllers answering NO, except for the particular one I described above: correctly, when rotating the Simulator, only when the special UIViewController is visible, the interface rotates to landscape, whici is perfect. The Tabbar here is hidden, so user don't get that also that one is rotated (which would be unconsistent in my design: basically whenever the tabbar is visible, which means everywhere except in this special view, the application is portrait only).
The problem is that I would like that, even if the device is still in landscape mode and user pops the special ViewController, the interface should behave consistently and return to portrait mode. Instead, when I pop, the interface stays in landscape (it's not designed in that way so it's a mess, of course) even when showing a UIViewController that would answer NO to shouldAutorotate... this is because (I think) the method is called only when rotation occurs, so until the rotation actually occurs again, the interface is rotated to landscape anyway.
How do avoid this? My first solution would be somehow to intercept the popping of the last view, and rotate manually the view before popping... but I'm not sure, I hope there is some more robust method to handle!!
I use the simulator with 3.0, dunno if this makes a difference.