I am attempting a fresh install of Drupal 6.14 on a Ubuntu 9.10 machine using XAMPP for Linux. I use XAMPP fine with Wordpress and some different frameworks. I am having problems after I download and extract Drupal to my /htdocs/. The following pic shows the errors I get.
I think that is a combination of using php5.3 and having warn levels too high. php is outputting warnings which means that Drupal can't change the header information.
If you are on Ubuntu why would you not just use the standard php and mysql?
Jeremy French
2009-11-23 16:39:07
I'm not sure. How would I go about that?
2009-11-23 16:48:11
apt-get will do the trick, there is an old howto here http://www.theatons.com/ubuntu-install-php5-mysql-apache2-ssl-pdo-pdo_mysql
Jeremy French
2009-11-23 16:59:34
There is even an entire group devoted to the use of drupal with ubuntu. It is called (very imaginatively!) DRUBUNTU. How-to's on how to configure the server are provided too. http://groups.drupal.org/drubuntu
2009-11-23 18:48:58
Apparently Drupal is not compatible with PHP 5.3 you should download an older xampp that includes PHP version less than 5.3
2009-11-23 20:04:48
You can avoid to display deprecated function messages by altering /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini error_reporting directive to:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED | E_STRICT
2010-04-06 12:02:43