I have read an entire file into a string from a memory mapped file Win API
Each line is terminated with a CRLF. I need to find something on a line like "Spam" in the line "I love Spam and Eggs" (and return the entire line (without the CRLF) in a string (or a pointer to the location in the string) The original string cannot be altered.
Something like this:
string ParseStr( string sIn, string sDelim, int nField )
int match, LenStr, LenDelim, ePos, sPos(0), count(0);
string sRet;
LenDelim = sDelim.length();
LenStr = sIn.length();
if( LenStr < 1 || LenDelim < 1 ) return ""; // Empty String
if( nField < 1 ) return "";
//=========== cout << "LenDelim=" << LenDelim << ", sIn.length=" << sIn.length() << endl;
for( ePos=0; ePos < LenStr; ePos++ ) // iterate through the string
{ // cout << "sPos=" << sPos << ", LenStr=" << LenStr << ", ePos=" << ePos << ", sIn[ePos]=" << sIn[ePos] << endl;
match = 1; // default = match found
for( int k=0; k < LenDelim; k++ ) // Byte value
if( ePos+k > LenStr ) // end of the string
else if( sIn[ePos+k] != sDelim[k] ){ // match failed
match = 0; break; }
if( match || (ePos == LenStr-1) ) // process line
if( !match ) ePos = LenStr + LenDelim; // (ePos == LenStr-1)
count++; // cout << "sPos=" << sPos << ", ePos=" << ePos << " >" << sIn.substr(sPos, ePos-sPos) << endl;
if( count == nField ){ sRet = sIn.substr(sPos, ePos-sPos); break; }
ePos = ePos+LenDelim-1; // jump over Delim
sPos = ePos+1; // Begin after Delim
} // cout << "Final ePos=" << ePos << ", count=" << count << ", LenStr=" << LenStr << endl;
}// next
return sRet;
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