Try these amendments:
my %my_hash;
# ["aa" , "bbb"] produces an array reference. Use () instead
my @my_array = ("aa" , "bbb");
# 'Kunjan' hash is given reference to @my_array
$my_hash{ Kunjan } = \@my_array;
# bareword for hash key is nicer on the eye IMHO
print $my_hash{ Kunjan }[0];
However there is still one thing you need to consider if you use this method:
unshift @my_array, 'AA';
print $my_hash{ Kunjan }[0]; # => AA - probably not what u wanted!
So what you are probably after is:
$my_hash{ Kunjan } = ["aa" , "bbb"];
Then the hash is no longer referencing @my_array.