Hi all,
What I am trying to do is essentially create two vectors of objects, where some objects are entered into both lists and some are just entered into one. The first problem I found was that when I used push_back() to add an object into both lists the object was copied so that when I changed it from one list the object did not change in the other. To get around this I tried to create a list of pointers to objects as one of the lists. However when I accessed the pointer later on the data seemed to be corrupted, the data member values were all wrong. Here are some snippets of my code:
Definition of vectors:
vector<AbsorbMesh> meshList;
vector<AbsorbMesh*> absorbList;
... Adding an object to both:
AbsorbMesh nurbsMesh = nurbs.CreateMesh(uStride, vStride);
// Add to the absorption list
// Store the mesh in the scene list
Accessing the object:
if (absorbList.size() > 0)
float receivedPower = absorbList[0]->receivedPower;
What am I doing wrong?