



I'm trying to find out the limit for reverse-geocode lookups on iPhone, are they per application/per device and how many per day? The doco just states:


Each Map Kit application has a limited amount of reverse geocoding capacity, so it is to your advantage to use reverse geocode requests sparingly. Here are some rules of thumb for using this class most effectively:

+2  A: 

As the MapKit framework uses the Google Map services and the same TOS I would imagine the same limits are applied. In which case the lookups are counted per-ip address (rather than per-app or per-device)

So the limits would be no more than 15,000 geocode requests in a 24 hour period received from a single IP address. Or geocode requests submitted from a single IP address at too fast a rate (in my experience more than 2 a second seems to trigger this...)

Breeching the limits results in the server responding with a status code of 620



Thanks so much Fraser, would each iPhone using the app have a unique IP most of the time?

No, just some of the time...The public (WAN) ip of the device would depend on how the phone is connected (GPRS, EDGE, 3G, Wifi, etc) and also on the connection provider (O2, Orange, Virgin, etc). Most providers (phone/broadband) will assign dynamic IPs within specific ranges to each device that connects. Some may also use proxies which again mean the IP could be different again...