



My style of coding includes the following idiom:

class Derived : public Base
   public :
      typedef Base super; // note that it could be hidden in protected/private section, instead

      // Etc.
} ;

This enables me to use "super" as an alias to Base, for example, in constructors:

Derived(int i, int j)
   : super(i), J(j)

Or even when calling the method from the base class inside its overriden version:

void Derived::doSomething()
   super::doSomething() ;

   // ... And then, do something else

It can even be chained (I have still to find the use for that, though):

class DerivedDerived : public Derived
   public :
      typedef Derived super; // note that it could be hidden in protected/private section, instead

      // Etc.
} ;

void DerivedDerived::doSomethingElse()
   super::doSomethingElse() ; // will call Derived::doSomethingElse()
   super::super::doSomethingElse() ; // will call Base::doSomethingElse()

   // ... And then, do something else

Anyway, I find the use of "typedef super" very useful, for example, when Base is either verbose and/or templated.

The fact is that super is implemented in Java, as well as in C# (where it is called "base", unless I'm wrong). But C++ lacks this keyword.

So, my questions:

  • is this use of typedef super common/rare/never seen in the code you work with?
  • is this use of typedef super Ok (i.e. do you see strong or not so strong reasons to not use it)?
  • should "super" be a good thing, should it be somewhat standardized in C++, or is this use through a typedef enough already?

Edit: Roddy mentionned the fact the typedef should be private. This would mean any derived class would not be able to use it without redeclaring it. But I guess it would also prevent the super::super chaining (but who's gonna cry for that?).

Edit 2: Now, some months after massively using "super", I wholeheartedly agree with Roddy's viewpoint: "super" should be private. I would upvote his answer twice, but I guess I can't.


How would this work with multiple inheritance?

With multiple inheritance, you need multiple "super". For example "superA" and/or "superB". Still, I rarely use true MI (i.e. inheritance not "one implementation and multiple interfaces), so using superA and superB is not problematic.
Ates Goral
+1  A: 

I've quite often seen it used, sometimes as super_t, when the base is a complex template type (boost::iterator_adaptor does this, for example)

James Hopkin
You're right. I found the reference here.
+6  A: 

I don't recall seeing this before, but at first glance I like it. As Ferruccio notes, it doesn't work well in the face of MI, but MI is more the exception than the rule and there's nothing that says something needs to be usable everywhere to be useful.

Michael Burr
I fully agree... :-) ...
Upvote just for the phrase, "there's nothing that says something needs to be usable everywhere to be useful."
Agreed. It is useful. I was just looking at the boost type traits library to see if there was a way to generate the typedef via a template. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can.

I don't know whether it's rare or not, but I've certainly done the same thing.

As has been pointed out, the difficulty with making this part of the language itself is when a class makes use of multiple inheritance.

Matt Dillard
+1  A: 

After migrating from Turbo Pascal to C++ back in the day, I used to do this in order to have an equivalent for the Turbo Pascal "inherited" keyword, which works the same way. However, after programming in C++ for a few years I stopped doing it. I found I just didn't need it very much.

Greg Hewgill

I use this from time to time. Just when I find myself typing out the base class type a couple of times, I'll replace it with a typedef similar to yours.

I think it can be a good use. As you say, if your base class is a template it can save typing. Also, template classes may take arguments that act as policies for how the template should work. You're free to change the base type without having to fix up all your references to it as long as the interface of the base remains compatible.

I think the use through the typedef is enough already. I can't see how it would be built into the language anyway because multiple inheritence means there can be many base classes, so you can typedef it as you see fit for the class you logically feel is the most important base class.

Scott Langham
+13  A: 

One problem with this is that if you forget to (re-)define super for derived classes, then any call to super::something will compile fine but will probably not call the desired function.

For example:

class Base
public:  virtual void foo() { ... }

class Derived: public Base
    typedef Base super;
    virtual void foo()
        super::foo();   // call superclass implementation

        // do other stuff

class DerivedAgain: public Derived
    virtual void foo()
        // Call superclass function
        super::foo();    // oops, calls Base::foo() rather than Derived::foo()


(As pointed out by Martin York in the comments to this answer, this problem can be eliminated by making the typedef private rather than public or protected.)

Kristopher Johnson
Thanks for the remark. This side effect had escaped my notice. While it would probably won't compile for the constructor use, everywhere else, I guess, the bug would be there.
This is solved by making super private typedef.
Martin York
However, private typedef will prevent chained use, mentioned in the original post.
+1  A: 

is this use of typedef super common/rare/never seen in the code you work with?

I have never seen this particular pattern in the C++ code I work with, but that doesn't mean it's not out there.

is this use of typedef super Ok (i.e. do you see strong or not so strong reasons to not use it)?

It doesn't allow for multiple inheritance (cleanly, anyway).

should "super" be a good thing, should it be somewhat standardized in C++, or is this use through a typedef enough already?

For the above cited reason (multiple inheritance), no. The reason why you see "super" in the other languages you listed is that they only support single inheritance, so there is no confusion as to what "super" is referring to. Granted, in those languages it IS useful but it doesn't really have a place in the C++ data model.

Oh, and FYI: C++/CLI supports this concept in the form of the "__super" keyword. Please note, though, that C++/CLI doesn't support multiple inheritance either.

As a counter-point, Perl has both multiple inheritance *and* SUPER. There is some confusion, but the algorithm that the VM goes through to find something is clearly documented.That said, I rarely see MI used where multiple base classes offer the same methods where confusion could arise anyway.
Interesting. Thanks for pointing that out!
+34  A: 

Bjarne Stroustrup mentions in Design and Evolution of C++ that super as a keyword was considered by the ISO C++ Standards committee the first time C++ was standardized.

EDIT Now that I have the book, let me correct the history. Dag Bruck proposed this extension, calling the base class "inherited." The proposal mentioned the multiple inheritance issue, and would have flagged ambiguous uses. Even Stroustrup was convinced.

After discussion, Dag Bruck (yes, the same person making the proposal) wrote that the proposal was implementable, technically sound, and free of major flaws, and handled multiple inheritance. On the other hand, there wasn't enough bang for the buck, and the committee should handle a thornier problem.

And that was when Michael Tiemann showed that a typedef'ed super would work just fine.

So, no, this will probably never get standardized.

My original history involved Apple invoking the two week rule. That was over a proposal handling method name clashes that can come up with multiple inheritance. If you don't have a copy, Design and Evolution is well worth the cover price. Used copies can be had for about $10.

Max Lybbert
Michael Burr
Max Lybbert
Interesting historical note. +1.
+6  A: 

I've always used "inherited" rather than super. (Probably due to a Delphi background), and I always make it private, to avoid the problem when the 'inherited' is erroneously omitted from a class but a subclass tries to use it.

class MyClass : public MyBase
private:  // Prevents erroneous use by other classes.
  typedef MyBase inherited;

My standard 'code template' for creating new classes includes the typedef, so I have little opportunity to accidentally omit it.

I don't think the chained "super::super" suggestion is a good idea- If you're doing that, you're probably tied in very hard to a particular hierarchy, and changing it will likely break stuff badly.

As for chaining super::super, as I mentionned in the question, I have still to find an interesting use to that. For now, I only see it as a hack, but it was worth mentioning, if only for the differences with Java (where you can't chain "super").
As for the "private", good suggestion. + 1.
After I few months, I was converted to your viewpoint (and I DID had a bug because of a forgotten "super", like you mentionned...). You are quite right in your answer, including the chaining, I guess. ^_^ ...
+10  A: 

Super (or inherited) is Very Good Thing because if you need to stick another inheritance layer in between Base and Derived, you only have to change two things: 1. the "class Base: foo" and 2. the typedef

If I recall correctly, the C++ Standards committee was considering adding a keyword for this... until Michael Tiemann pointed out that this typedef trick works.

As for multiple inheritance, since it's under programmer control you can do whatever you want: maybe super1 and super2, or whatever.

Colin Jensen
+1  A: 

One additional reason to use a typedef for the superclass is when you are using complex templates in the object's inheritance.

For instance:

template <typename T, size_t C, typename U>
class A
{ ... };

template <typename T>
class B : public A<T,99,T>
{ ... };

In class B it would be ideal to have a typedef for A otherwise you would be stuck repeating it everywhere you wanted to reference A's members.

In these cases it can work with multiple inheritance too, but you wouldn't have a typedef named 'super', it would be called 'base_A_t' or something like that.


+4  A: 

FWIW Microsoft has added an extension for __super in their compiler.

A few developers here started pushing to use __super. At first I pushed back since I felt it was "wrong" and "non-stanadard". HOWEVER, I've grown to love it.

I use the __super keyword. But it's Microsoft specific:

Mark Ingram
+2  A: 

I've seen this idiom employed in many codes and I'm pretty sure I've even seen it somewhere in Boost's libraries. However, as far as I remember the most common name is base (or Base) instead of super.

This idiom is especially useful if working with template classes. As an example, consider the following class (from a real project):

template <typename TText, typename TSpec>
class Finder<Index<TText, PizzaChili<TSpec> >, PizzaChiliFinder>
    : public Finder<Index<TText, PizzaChili<TSpec> >, Default>
    typedef Finder<Index<TText, PizzaChili<TSpec> >, Default> TBase;
    // …

Don't mind the funny names. The important point here is that the inheritance chain uses type arguments to achieve compile-time polymorphism. Unfortunately, the nesting level of these templates gets quite high. Therefore, abbreviations are crucial for readability and maintainability.

Konrad Rudolph
I had used the "super" lately for the very same reason. The public inheritance was too painful to handle otherwise... :-) ...