When replying to a post (for example on Craiglist) that asks for sample code, is there a way to be (reasonably) sure of delivery?
Here's the problem, stated as possible options and the negative outcomes:
Link to the source code on an external site. In this case, there's a spam score metric based on number of external links that you could hit. Often your signature might contain a link.
Attach it in a zip. Zip files are often considered in spam metrics and in some cases are just outright removed. This also creates an extra step for the recipient which isn't much but has to be multiplied by the number of received responses.
Attach it as source code files. This one I'm not sure of but I suspect that some source code types, like javascript, could get flagged.
Inline the source code. This is messy for anything over a couple lines and I expect could be problematic if your source includes html, javascript or even urls.
So those are all the ideas I have and none are optimal or give me a good feeling my email will show up looking as I intend. Has anyone solved this problem already?
Clarification: This is about a first-time email. So the person you're replying to has given their contact info but has never received an email from you and may be receiving numerous replies a lot like yours.