



I had some tests working fine. Then, I moved it to a different package, and am now getting errors. Here is the code:

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jgrapht.Graphs;
import org.jgrapht.WeightedGraph;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge;
import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleWeightedGraph;
import org.junit.*; 

    public void testEccentricity() {
     WeightedGraph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> g = generateSimpleCaseGraph();
     Map<String, Double> eccen = JGraphtUtilities.eccentricities(g);

     assertEquals(70, eccen.get("alpha"));
     assertEquals(80, eccen.get("l"));
     assertEquals(130, eccen.get("l-0"));
     assertEquals(100, eccen.get("l-1"));
     assertEquals(90, eccen.get("r"));
     assertEquals(120, eccen.get("r-0"));
     assertEquals(130, eccen.get("r-1"));

The error message is this:

The method assertEquals(Object, Object) is ambiguous for the type JGraphtUtilitiesTest

How can I fix this? Why did this problem occur as I moved the class to a different package?

+5  A: 
The method assertEquals(Object, Object) is ambiguous for the type ...

What this error means is that you're passing a double and and Double into a method that has two different signatures: assertEquals(Object, Object) and assertEquals(double, double) both of which could be called, thanks to autoboxing.

To avoid the ambiguity, make sure that you either call assertEquals(Object, Object) (by passing two Doubles) or assertEquals(double, double) (by passing two doubles).

So, in your case, you should use:

assertEquals(Double.valueOf(70), eccen.get("alpha"));


assertEquals(70.0d, eccen.get("alpha").doubleValue());
Pascal Thivent
ok, or I could just switch it to use JUnit 4 instead of JUnit 3. How do I do that?
The solution is not really to switch from one version to the other. Instead, help the compiler and remove the ambiguity as I suggested.
Pascal Thivent
Anyway, shouldn't it be assertEquals(70.0d, eccen.get("alpha")); ?
but it wasn't a problem in JUnit 4, and I'd like to avoid changing a bunch of things in my code.
@mahller Not sure who you are talking to but, even if it's more correct than the OP's code, it still ambiguous if the version of JUnit has both `assertEquals(Object, Object)` and `assertEquals(double, double)` which is the case of JUnit 4.4, 4.5. But as I said, changing the version of JUnit is not the real solution, just fix the problem.
Pascal Thivent
@Rosarch For this particular case, it isn't a problem in JUnit 3.8.1, it isn't a problem in JUnit 4.3, it **is** a problem in JUnit 4.4, it **is** a problem in JUnit 4.5 (but the method taking 2 doubles is deprecated), it isn't a problem in JUnit 4.6 (the method has been removed). So, make your choice, but you should fix the code.
Pascal Thivent
