9 = 2^X mod 11
What is X and how do you find X?
Its related to finding the plain text in RSA algorithm and I'm writing a C program for it.
9 = 2^X mod 11
What is X and how do you find X?
Its related to finding the plain text in RSA algorithm and I'm writing a C program for it.
I think that can be solved using modular arithmetic. Another way is calculating 9=2^X in F11 (Z/11Z), but that's part of modular arithmetic, too.
Another solution (where you'll find only ONE solution) is to solve the equation numerically, that's probably easier in a C program.
The answer is 6 + 10i for any integer i.
A simple way to get solutions for small moduli is to iterate over all values of x. You only need to check between 0 and 10 (= 11 - 1) to find the first solution, if any solution exists.
x = 0
while x < 50:
if 9 == 2**x % 11:
print x
x += 1
Obviously this will take a long time if the modulus is large.
More information is on the Discrete Logarithm page. Note:
No efficient classical algorithm for computing general discrete logarithms logbg is known. The naive algorithm is to raise b to higher and higher powers k until the desired g is found; this is sometimes called trial multiplication. This algorithm requires running time linear in the size of the group G and thus exponential in the number of digits in the size of the group.
If it were easy to invert modular exponetiation, it wouldn't be a good cryptographic primitive.
Obviously, sequence of 2^n mod 11 will be cyclical.
2^0 mod 11 = 1
2^1 mod 11 = 2
2^2 mod 11 = 4
2^3 mod 11 = 8
2^4 mod 11 = 5
2^5 mod 11 = 10
2^6 mod 11 = 9
2^7 mod 11 = 7
2^8 mod 11 = 3
2^9 mod 11 = 6
2^10 mod 11 = 1
2^11 mod 11 = 2
So, cycle length is 10.
2^n mod 11 = 9 for n=6+10*m where m is integer