I'm trying to make linked list similar too the one here:
That is to have the "head", I called it first, inside another struct. However I found doing that change. Makes it hard to add values to the list_item struct. I have tried some few things to see if it works. It compiles, however when I run the code it will crash. Any help would be helpful here. I know the cause of the crash is when I want to point the new_node to the linked_list.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct list_item
int key;
int value;
list_item *next;
struct list
struct list_item *first;
int main()
list *head;
list *new_node;
head = NULL;
head->first = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
//allocate memory for new_node
new_node = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list));
new_node->first = (list_item*)malloc(sizeof(list_item));
//adding the values
new_node->first->key = i;
new_node->first->value = 10 + i;
//point new_node to first;
new_node->first->next = head->first;
//point first to new_node;
head->first = new_node->first;
list *travel;
travel->first = head->first;
int i = 0;
while(travel != NULL)
cout << travel->first->value << endl;
travel->first = travel->first->next;
return 0;