This seems like a simple task but I can't figure out what's holding my small application back from actually doing what it's supposed to. I am attempting to load a temporary, slide-in, view from another view controller. My application's view controllers are structured:
Application > Tab Bar Controller > TabBarItem > View Controller
In this view controller, I have a button that successfully fires a method to load the temporary view:
- (IBAction)displayTimePickerViewForDayButton:(id)sender {
NSLog(@"displayTimePickerViewForDayButton method entered.");
// create the selector view controller and become the delegate
WOTimePickerViewController *tpvc = [[WOTimePickerViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"WOTimePickerView" bundle:nil];
tpvc.delegate = self;
tpvc.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical;
[self presentModalViewController:tpvc animated:YES];
[tpvc release];
I have verified that my WOTimePickerViewController is successfully returning from the init method but the view never enters it's viewDidLoad method.
So, if I look at the view in IB, it appears to be connected to the vc's "view" property. When I run the view in the simulator (from IB) it renders correctly.
When I run the app from XCODE, I can navigate to the view, click my button, and a blank white screen appears (note this is not the white background of the view that should load).
I'd appreciate any help I can get. Thank You!