



How can I upload a directory - Eclipse update site - using sftp with public key authentication in Maven?

For background information: I'm using tycho to build an Eclipse plugin and want to get the update site ( <packaging>eclipse-update-site</packaging>) uploaded.

Asked on the Tycho users list as well.

+2  A: 

I don't get why you couldn't use mvn deploy to deploy your eclipse-update-site artifact. So, this is my suggestion.

First, update your distributionManagement section:

<!-- Enabling the use of FTP -->

Then, add the wagon extension for sftp:


Finally, add the credentials into your ~/.m2/settings.xml:


And run mvn deploy.

Pascal Thivent
Thanks for your answer. When deploying with Tycho I get the following results: all plugins are deployed as plain maven artifacts, with addition p2artifacts.xml and p2metadata.xml files and the update site is deployed as a jar containing the site.xml file.
Robert Munteanu
Hmmm... Actually, I'm not sure to get your comment. On top of that, I wonder if is a blocking issue...
Pascal Thivent