I was trying to incorporate the Singleton design pattern into my code, but I started getting a weird error:
main.obj : error LNK2005: "private: static class gameState * gameState::state" (?state@gameState@@0PAV1@A) already defined in gameState.obj
If you're not familiar with the singleton pattern, it is basically used to enforce only 1 instance of a certain object in the entire program. Here is the relevant code: gameState.h:
class gameState
static gameState* Instance() {return state;}
static gameState* state;
gameState* gameState::state = new gameState();
and right now I'm just using the instance of that object in the main.cpp file:
gameState *currState = gameState::Instance();
for_each(currState->getHumanPieces().begin(),currState->getHumanPieces().end(), drawPieces);
It would seem I am trying to redefine gameState::state, but can't figure out why... help anyone?
that solved that, but one error still remains, which I didn't actually post before as I thought it was just part of the other one:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: __thiscall gameState::gameState(void)" (??0gameState@@AAE@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'private: static class gameState * gameState::state''(void)" (??__E?state@gameState@@0PAV1@A@@YAXXZ)
any good tip on how to fix that one as well?
Thanks both of you, its fixed :D