Hi Dan, I've been teaching myself Spring, Hibernate, and Maven over the past few weeks and here are a few tips.
In my experience, it was too overwhelming to try to start building a program using everything (hibernate, spring, aspectj) all at once. Instead, I've been having success writing small, simple programs. For example, first I wrote a simple program that only uses Spring DI. Next, I wrote one that uses Spring DI + Spring DAO and jdbc. Next, I wrote a project using only hibernate to save and list some users from a database with phone numbers, ect. And just recently I combined the Spring DAO code with the Hibernate code to write a simple program that uses both Spring DAO + Hibernate.
Here are the books I've read and I've been very satisfied so far:
- For maven, google "maven book" and
read the free online book.
- For hibernate, I recommend Beginning
Hibernate: From Novice to
- For Spring, I recommend Spring in
Action. Spring in Action explains Spring Aspect Oriented Programming and gives an intro to AspectJ. Once you understand Spring AOP, it seems pretty easy to dig further into AspectJ.