So, I've got this big project written in PHP and Javascript. The problem is that it's become so big and unmaintainable that changing some little portion of the code will upset and probably break a whole lot of other portions.
And I know for a fact that I'm really bad at testing my own code (as a matter of fact, others point this out daily). Which makes it even more difficult to maintain the project.
The project itself isn't that complicated or complex. It's more the way it's built now that makes it complex. We don't have any predefined rules or lists to follow when doing our testing. And this often results in lots of bugs and unhappy customers.
So, we started discussing this at the office, and came up with the idea of starting to use test driven development instead of the develop like hell and maybe test later (which almost always ends up being fix bugs all the time).
After that background, the things I need help with is the following
How do you implement a test framework into a already existing project (that is 3 years in the making, and counting)?
What kind of frameworks are there for testing? I figure I'll need one framework for the Javascript- and one for the PHP code.
Whats the best approach to testing the gui?
Some notes. I've never used Unit Testing before, so this is really uncharted territory for me.
Thanks in advance Patrik