Hello. I'm working on a project that involves the creation of numerous web services. Top-down/contract-first and model-driven design strategies are utilized (WSDL -> codegen). NetBeans (6.7) + JAX-WS + GlassFish comprise the chosen tooling stack. The web services will be EJBs deployed as Composite Applications in the Glassfish JBI container.
We have a need to implement systemic qualities to the web service implementtation classes, such as overriding toString
implementations, adding logging, even applying a Template method pattern to the implementation classes.
Since the NetBeans/JAX-WS does not provide the means to inject our customizations into its code generation process, I do not see a way to accomplish what I want to do short of modifying the generated classes manually. Top-down, yes; model-driven, not anymore. And doing so would have significant maintenance implications for the project, as the web services may be periodically revised.
Does anyone have any other ideas on how I can accomplish what I need given the tools I have to work with? Perhaps a plugin that integrates AOP with JAX-WS codegen? A magic @DoNotClobber annotation supported by another codegen to preserve developer-user code?
And, if I had the opportunity to use an Eclipse-based tool set, would the grass be greener?
Thank you in advance.