



I would like to be able to write a Java class in one package which can access non-public methods of a class in another package without having to make it a subclass of the other class. Is this possible?


Not using a keyword or so.

You could "cheat" using reflection etc., but I wouldn't recommend "cheating"

i would consider this such a bad idea that even suggesting it is abhorrent to me. Obviously this is a cludge at best, and should not be part of any design.
+5  A: 

As far as I know, it is not possible.

Maybe, You could give us some more details about Your design. Questions like these are likely the result of design flaws.

Just consider

  • Why are those classes in different packages, if they are so closely related?
  • Has A to access private members of B or should the operation be moved to class B and triggered by A?
  • Is this really calling or is event-handling better?

If you want to access protected methods you could create a subclass of the class you want to use that exposes the methods you want to use as public (or internal to the namespace to be safer), and have an instance of that class in your class (use it as a proxy).

As far as private methods are concerned (I think) you are out of luck.

Omar Kooheji
+8  A: 

The designers of Java explicitly rejected the idea of friend as it works in C++. You put your "friends" in the same package. Private, protected, and packaged security is enforced as part of the language design.

James Gosling wanted Java to be C++ without the mistakes. I believe he felt that friend was a mistake because it violates OOP principles. Packages provide a reasonable way to organize components without being too purist about OOP.

NR pointed out that you could cheat using reflection, but even that only works if you aren't using the SecurityManager. If you turn on Java standard security, you won't be able to cheat with reflection unless you write security policy to specifically allow it.

David G
I don't mean to be a pedant, but access modifiers aren't a security mechanism.
Greg D
Access modifiers are part of the java security model. I was specifically referring to java.lang.RuntimePermission for reflection: accessDeclaredMembers and accessClassInPackage.
David G

I once saw a reflection based solution that did "friend checking" at runtime using reflection and checking the call stack to see if the class calling the method was permitted to do so. Being a runtime check, it has the obvious drawback.

Ran Biron
+3  A: 

The 'friend' concept is useful in Java, for example, to separate an API from its implementation. It is common for implementation classes to need access to API class internals but these should not be exposed to API clients. This can be achieved using the 'Friend Accessor' pattern as detailed below:

The class exposed through the API:

package api;

public final class Exposed {
    static {
        // Declare classes in the implementation package as 'friends'
        Accessor.setInstance(new AccessorImpl());

    // Only accessible by 'friend' classes.
    Exposed() {


    // Only accessible by 'friend' classes.
    void sayHello() {

    static final class AccessorImpl extends Accessor {
        protected Exposed createExposed() {
            return new Exposed();

        protected void sayHello(Exposed exposed) {

The class providing the 'friend' functionality:

package impl;

public abstract class Accessor {

    private static Accessor instance;

    static Accessor getInstance() {
        Accessor a = instance;
        if (a != null) {
            return a;

        return createInstance();

    private static Accessor createInstance() {
        try {
            Class.forName(Exposed.class.getName(), true, 
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

        return instance;

    public static void setInstance(Accessor accessor) {
        if (instance != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Accessor instance already set");

        instance = accessor;

    protected abstract Exposed createExposed();

    protected abstract void sayHello(Exposed exposed);

Example access from a class in the 'friend' implementation package:

package impl;

public final class FriendlyAccessExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Accessor accessor = Accessor.getInstance();
        Exposed exposed = accessor.createExposed();
Matthew Murdoch

I prefer delegation or composition or factory class (depending upon the issue that results in this problem) to avoid making it a public class.

If it is a "interface/implementation classes in different packages" problem, then I would use a public factory class that would in the same package as the impl package and prevent the exposure of the impl class.

If it is a "I hate to make this class/method public just to provide this functionality for some other class in a different package" problem, then I would use a public delegate class in the same package and expose only that part of the functionality needed by the "outsider" class.

Some of these decisions are driven by the target server classloading architecture (OSGi bundle, WAR/EAR, etc.), deployment and package naming conventions. For example, the above proposed solution, 'Friend Accessor' pattern is clever for normal java applications. I wonder if it gets tricky to implement it in OSGi due to the difference in classloading style.

See for more info.

+1  A: 

The provided solution was perhaps not the simplest. Another approach is based on the same idea as in C++: private members are not accessible outside the package/private scope, except for a specific class that the owner makes a friend of itself.

The class that needs friend access to a member should create a inner public abstract "friend class" that the class owning the hidden properties can export access to, by returning a subclass that implement the access-implementing methods. The "API" method of the friend class can be private so it is not accessible outside the class that needs friend access. Its only statement is a call to an abstract protected member that the exporting class implements.

Here's the code:

First the test that verifies that this actually works:

package application;

import application.entity.Entity;
import application.service.Service;
import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class EntityFriendTest extends TestCase {
    public void testFriendsAreOkay() {
        Entity entity = new Entity();
        Service service = new Service();
        assertNull("entity should not be processed yet", entity.getPublicData());
        assertNotNull("entity should be processed now", entity.getPublicData());

Then the Service that needs friend access to a package private member of Entity:

package application.service;

import application.entity.Entity;

public class Service {

    public void processEntity(Entity entity) {
        String value = entity.getFriend().getEntityPackagePrivateData();

     * Class that Entity explicitly can expose private aspects to subclasses of.
     * Public, so the class itself is visible in Entity's package.
    public static abstract class EntityFriend {
         * Access method: private not visible (a.k.a 'friendly') outside enclosing class.
        private String getEntityPackagePrivateData() {
            return getEntityPackagePrivateDataImpl();

        /** contribute access to private member by implementing this */
        protected abstract String getEntityPackagePrivateDataImpl();

Finally: the Entity class that provides friendly access to a package private member only to the class application.service.Service.

package application.entity;

import application.service.Service;

public class Entity {

    private String publicData;
    private String packagePrivateData = "secret";   

    public String getPublicData() {
        return publicData;

    public void setPublicData(String publicData) {
        this.publicData = publicData;

    String getPackagePrivateData() {
        return packagePrivateData;

    /** provide access to proteced method for Service'e helper class */
    public Service.EntityFriend getFriend() {
        return new Service.EntityFriend() {
            protected String getEntityPackagePrivateDataImpl() {
                return getPackagePrivateData();

Okay, I must admit it is a bit longer than "friend service::Service;" but it might be possible to shorten it while retaining compile-time checking by using annotations.
