



(Using Vista)I'm trying to clone an app from my GitHub Repository and push it into Heroku. Okay, so I've tried to create an SSH key so many times with this:

 `ssh-keygen -t rsa`

It seems to go perfectly. I have it on my C:/Users/***/.ssh folder. I now try to clone an app i forked in GitHub. When I try to clone it on the rails_apps directory, I get a message saying

 Permission Denied(public key).

I found a solution on the net saying that I should run this first:


So I tried doing that. But it said that:

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.

Then after some googling I find something about executing the ssh-agent. So I do this:

`ssh-agent bash`

and the command line changes from my rails_apps directory to this:


So I run:

`bash3.1$>ssh-add [path to .ssh folder]`

and it successfully adds the rsa private key(it doesn't work with I have also pasted the newly generated public key to my GitHub account.

Now when I try to clone:

`bash3.1$>git clone [email protected]:username/myrepo.git`

It now successfully clones the repo I forked in GitHub. Now that I have the app in my local repo, I try to create a heroku app.

`bash3.1$>cd myrepo`  
`bash3.1$>heroku create myapp`

And this code runs successfully. Git remote added successfully. Now all I have to do is to push it.

`bash3.1$>git push heroku master`

BAM! I get the error message again.

Permission denied (public key)

I am so close into pushing my app to heroku. But it just won't work. Can you help me. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks! :D


Note: your ticket on GitHub Support prompted the answer:

You need to give heroku your key. There should be a command to do it. If you can't find it, you'll have to contact their support.

More informations about your ssh keys in your other GitHub Support ticket.

debug1: Trying private key: /.ssh/identity
debug1: Trying private key: /.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Trying private key: /.ssh/id_dsa

I'm not sure why it would be looking at /.ssh and not ~/.ssh then.
Try moving your keypair over to that path.

Shouldn't that be:

 git push origin master

? By default, a reference to the cloned repo is called 'origin', not 'heroku'

What does

git remote -v show


It you want, you can reference the distant repo by the heroku name

git remote add heroku [email protected]:git_username/projectname.git
Thanks Von. I tried what you said changing heroku to origin. It didn't work as well. I tried the command you said. Now when I`git push heroku master`It saysEverything up-to-dateBut the app is still not on heroku. I'm not sure what's going on.