



For example, I found a website called, a part of the Information Today network, that appears to have the latest research and publications in knowledge management. Are there sites like this for other fields, or perhaps a network of computer science and software engineering sites?

I have made this post wiki editable so that it will (hopefully) become a listing of resources. I would appreciate it if every poster makes their posting community wiki so that it can be voted on without affecting reputation (it can be voted on based on the content of the website) or costing someone one of their 30 daily votes.

+11  A:

Jose Vega
A good site indeed, especially since it's human powered. But there's a lot of content that doesn't get front-paged (or even make it to a section front page).
Thomas Owens
They get more than their fair share of idiots commenting, but if you ignore them and just read the original articles it's a good source of some interesting stories.
Mark Baker

it's a very light-hearted look at the news, and it's heavily gadget-centric but Gizmodo is always a good read.

+2  A: 

The Register

Mark Baker
A very good site. I like how they have RSS feeds for each section. Although they appear to be European centric when it comes to their business-related stories, that's OK with me. And, they are in the UK after all, so it makes sense.
Thomas Owens
and it's funny too
John Ferguson
+3  A:

Peter Walke

digg gives you stories from lots of different tech news sites, along with lots of other subjects

+1  A: 

I vote for reddit, since nobody else has mentioned it.

Simon Johnson
A: is a good one, but it's in Dutch so probably not very interesting for most visitors here. Worth a mention anyway.

+2  A:

Cody Brocious