



I am puzzled with the following simple problem:

Given positive integers b, c, m where (b < m) is True it is to find a positive integer e such that

(b**e % m == c) is True

where ** is exponentiation (e.g. in Ruby, Python or ^ in some other languages) and % is modulo operation. What is the most effective algorithm (with the lowest big-O complexity) to solve it ?

Given b=5; c=8; m=13 this algorithm must find e=7 because 5**7%13 = 8

Thank you in advance!

+25  A: 

From the % operator I'm assuming that you are working with integers.

You are trying to solve the Discrete Logarithm problem. A reasonable algorithm is Baby step, giant step, although there are many others, none of which are particularly fast.

The difficulty of finding a fast solution to the discrete logarithm problem is a fundamental part of some popular cryptographic algorithms, so if you find a better solution than any of those on Wikipedia please let me know!

Mark Byers
Hell, if he finds a *really* efficient algorithm he has a fair chance of getting the Field's Medal
+12  A: 

This isn't a simple problem at all. It is called calculating the discrete logarithm and it is the inverse operation to a modular exponentation.

There is no efficient algorithm known. That is, if N denotes the number of bits in m, all known algorithms run in O(2^(N^C)) where C>0.

Your claim that all known algorithms run in time O(C^N) for some C > 1 is not correct. There is no known algorithm that runs in polynomial time, but there are still known algorithms that are subexponential.
Index calculus.

as said the general problem is hard. however a prcatical way to find e if and only if you know e is going to be small (like in your example) would be just to try each e from 1.

btw e==3 is the first solution to your example, and you can obviously find that in 3 steps, compare to solving the non discrete version, and naively looking for integer solutions i.e.

e = log(c + n*m)/log(b) where n is a non-negative integer

which finds e==3 in 9 steps

>>> def find_e(b, c, m):
...     if b > m:
...         raise ValueError, "b must be less than m"
...     for val in b, c, m:
...         if type(val) != int:
...             raise ValueError, "All arguments must be ints"
...     return 7
>>> find_e(5, 8, 13)

This solves your example perfectly. Got any other homework I can do for you?

+1  A: 

Yes its a discrete logarithm problem, as it is used in cryptographic algorithms, they are tough to break.
