Well since nobody seems to know what to do about it, I implemented it this way:
std::vector<std::wstring> wrapString(HDC hDC, const std::wstring& text, const RECT& targetRect, HFONT font)
std::vector<std::wstring> result;
RECT targetRectangle;
CopyRect(&targetRectangle, &targetRect);
//Calculate the width of the bounding rectangle.
int maxWidth = targetRectangle.right - targetRectangle.left;
//Draw the lines one at a time
std::wstring currentLine;
for(std::wstring::const_iterator it = text.begin(); it != text.end(); currentLine.push_back(*it), it++)
if(*it == L'\r' || *it == L'\n')
{ //Hard return
while(it != text.end() && (*it == L'\r' || *it == L'\n')) it++;
{ //Check for soft return
SIZE sizeStruct;
GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, currentLine.c_str(), static_cast<int>(currentLine.length()), &sizeStruct);
if (sizeStruct.cx > maxWidth)
std::wstring::size_type lineLength = currentLine.find_last_of(L' ');
if (lineLength == currentLine.npos)
{ //Word is longer than a line.
for(;it != text.end() && !iswspace(*it);it++) currentLine.push_back(*it);
{ //Clip word to line.
//Backtrack our scan of the source text.
it -= currentLine.length() - lineLength - 1;
//Remove the clipped word
//Last remaining text.
return result;
void DrawInstructionsWithFilledBackground(HDC hDC, const std::wstring& text, RECT& targetRectangle, HFONT font, COLORREF backgroundColor)
//Set up our background color.
int dcIdx = SaveDC(hDC);
HBRUSH backgroundBrush = CreateSolidBrush(backgroundColor);
SelectObject(hDC, backgroundBrush);
SelectObject(hDC, font);
SetBkColor(hDC, backgroundColor);
std::vector<std::wstring> lines(wrapString(hDC, text, targetRectangle, font));
for(std::vector<std::wstring>::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it!=lines.end(); it++)
RECT backgroundRect = targetRectangle;
DrawText(hDC, const_cast<LPWSTR>(it->c_str()), static_cast<int>(it->length()), &backgroundRect, DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOCLIP | DT_SINGLELINE);
backgroundRect.left = backgroundRect.right;
backgroundRect.right = targetRectangle.right;
if (backgroundRect.right >= backgroundRect.left)
FillRect(hDC, &backgroundRect, backgroundBrush);
ExtTextOut(hDC, targetRectangle.left, targetRectangle.top, ETO_OPAQUE, NULL, it->c_str(), static_cast<UINT>(it->length()), NULL);
targetRectangle.top += backgroundRect.bottom - backgroundRect.top;
instructionsWrap = lines;
//Restore the DC to it's former glory.
RestoreDC(hDC, dcIdx);