



In some working code, I had a call to PushViewController, which loaded (successfully) a new view from an xib.

I went into the XIB and added a couple of buttons. Retried the code, and the view continued to be displayed at the appropriate point in the code.

I then deleted those buttons, and since that point, the code no longer works. It now crashes with an unhandled exception error. I can't track it through the debugger - it takes a few steps into the code and crashes.

I've probably disconnected something in IB, but I don't know what.

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what I've broken, and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Most crashes are to be found in too early released memory.

  • Have you checked your memory management?
  • Whats the crash code?
  • Is it untraceable even if you run the program in a debugger?

If you think you've screwed up in IB, look at the Connections Inspector (cmnd + 2) for each element.


It now crashes with an unhandled exception error

What's the exception?

The output in your Debugger Console will explain what the problem is.


make sure you didn't disconnect that XIBs view from File's Owner by mistake. Could've been either an outlet or not, but the view still needs a connection.

  • Connections inspector and make sure that it's there.
  • Or check for any other missing connections.

No knowing the details of your XIB is hard to tell, but that's usually a common case.
