



Is it possible to modify an NSDatePicker object to allow for 0 values in the month and/or day columns? Dealing with a situation where the specific day in particular is non-essiential but nice to have data (and data which the user likely doesn't know offhand to begin with).


It sounds to me like your UI does not make the user enter a specific date, but a pattern that matches multiple dates. You should use multiple fields with checkboxes for this; something like:

☑  Year: [ 2009]
☑ Month:    [12]
☐   Day:    [  ] (field disabled)

If the units that are present should always be a contiguous series (e.g., 2009-12 but never -12-03 or 2009-*-03), cut out the Year checkbox and disable each checkbox if the one before it is unchecked (with Month always enabled).

Peter Hosey