



I have insert working, and i have preorder,inorder,and post order working. I am working on retrieveItem where i try to find using a key. Thats when i realize that in my driver file(main()) that my class instance holds no information.( data aData) So, that makes it impossible to do the retrieve.

Down in main() i have data aData;

Thats where aData contains nothing. But it needs to have the name so i can do retrieveItem. I can get name, and name contains items.

I will give pretty much all the code so you can see where i am going wrong?

using namespace std;

static BST   database;

static void displayDatabase(bool all)
cout << endl;
if (! all)
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;

   static void retrieveItem(char *name, data& aData)
cout << ">>> retrieve " << name << endl << endl;
if (database.retrieve(name, aData))
 cout << aData << endl;
 cout << "not found\n";
cout << endl;

   static void removeItem(char *name)
cout << ">>> remove " << name << endl << endl;
if (database.remove(name))
 cout << name << " removed\n";
 cout << name << " not found\n";
cout << endl;

   int main()
   #ifdef _WIN32
// request memory leak report in Output Window after main returns

data aData;

  << "Database Of Great Computer Scientists\n\n";

database.insert(data("Ralston, Anthony"));
database.insert(data("Liang, Li"));
database.insert(data("Jones, Doug"));
database.insert(data("Goble, Colin"));
database.insert(data("Knuth, Donald"));
database.insert(data("Kay, Alan"));
database.insert(data("Von Neumann, John"));
database.insert(data("Trigoboff, Michael"));
database.insert(data("Turing, Alan"));

retrieveItem("Trigoboff, Michael", aData);
retrieveItem("Kaye, Danny", aData);

removeItem("Ralston, Anthony");
removeItem("Jones, Doug");


#ifndef BST_H
#define BST_H

#include "data.h"

class BST          
BST(int capacity = 5);    // constructor (default if no arg supplied)
BST(const BST& aTable);    // copy constructor
~BST();        // destructor

void insert(const data& aData);  
bool remove(const char *key);
bool retrieve(const char *key, data& aData) const;
void displayArrayOrder(ostream& out) const;  
void displayPreOrder(ostream& out) const;
void displayInOrder(ostream& out) const;
void displayPostOrder(ostream& out) const;
int getSize(void) const;


int size;
int maxsize;  
int parent;

void expand();

struct item
 bool empty;
 data instanceData;

item *items;

void insert(int index, const data & aData ); 
void displayHeaders(ostream& out)const;
void BST::displayPreOrder(std::ostream &out, int parent)const;
void BST::displayInOrder(std::ostream &out, int parent)const;
void BST::displayPostOrder(std::ostream &out, int parent)const;

     #endif // BST_H

last header...

#ifndef DATA_H
#define DATA_H
#include <ostream>

using namespace std;

class data
data() : name(NULL) {}    // default constructor
data(char const * const name);  // constructor
~data();       // destructor

data& operator=(const data& data2);

char const * const getName() const;
void setName(char const * const name);

char * name;

friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const data& outData);
friend bool operator< (const data& d1, const data& d2);
friend bool operator== (const data& d1, const data& d2);

BST.cpp - i wont include the code for inorder,preorder, etc...

#include "BST.h"
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

BST::BST(int capacity) : size(0), parent(0),
items(new item[capacity])

maxsize = capacity;
items->empty = true;


//delete items; 
delete [] items;

  void BST::insert(int parent, const data &aData) 

if(parent >= maxsize)
if (items[parent].empty) 
 items[parent].instanceData = aData;
 items[parent].empty = false;
else if (aData < items[parent].instanceData) // indicates we want this to be the left child
 parent = (2 * parent)+ 1; 

else // indicates we want this to be the right child.
 parent = (2 * parent)+ 2; 

 // insert a new item into the BST
 void BST::insert (const data& aData)
this->insert(parent, aData);

void BST::expand()
item *swap = new item[maxsize*2];

for ( int index = 0; index < maxsize; index++ ) 
 if ( !items[index].empty )

  swap[index].instanceData = items[index].instanceData;
  swap[index].empty = false;

maxsize += size;

delete [] items;

items = NULL;
items = swap;

  bool BST::retrieve(const char *key, data& aData) const

  if (parent <= maxsize) 

if(aData.getName() == key)

 if (!items[parent].empty)
  //out << items[parent].instanceData <<setw(22) << parent;
  //out << endl;

 //this->displayPreOrder(out, 2 * parent + 1);   
 //this->displayPreOrder(out, 2 * parent + 2);   

return false;


Here is data.cpp

#include "data.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

data::data(char const * const name) : name(new char[strlen(name)+1])
if (name)
 strcpy(this->name , name);

else this->name = NULL;


// destructor
delete [] name ; 

   // assignment operator overload
 data& data::operator=(const data& data2)
if ( this == &data2) 
 return *this;

delete [] name; 
name = NULL;

name = new char[strlen(]; // allocate new space
strcpy(name ,; //copy
return *this;

 char const * const data::getName() const
return this->name;

 void data::setName (char const * const name)

strcpy(this->name, name);


   // return true if d1 is "less than" d2, false otherwise
  bool operator< (const data& d1, const data& d2)

  return strcmp(d1.getName(), d2.getName()) < 0;


   // return true if d1 is "equal to" d2, false otherwise
  bool operator== (const data& d1, const data& d2)

return false;


     // print the data instance referred to by outData
  ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const data& outData)

out <<;
//out << endl;
return out;

Your retrieve method should work in a similar way to insert:

  • Start at the root
  • At each node, go to the left or right child depending on the comparison of the search value with the node's value.

With the following differences from insert:

  • At each node, test to see if it is the one you need. If so, return it.
  • If you searched all the way to the leaves without finding the node, then it wasn't in the tree, and you need to return false.

where i am going wrong?

You should ask yourself what kind of data structure are you trying to make, a set or a key -> value map ?

Both can be implemented using a binary tree, and you seem to confuse them in your implementation. Right now, your insert method only takes a single argument, so BST cannot be a map (since then it should take a key and a value). But on the other hand, in the retrieveItem function you do assume there should be some value to return for a given key, so that is like a map and not a set.

Also, is data supposed to be your key type in your set/map, or your value type (for map only)?

EDIT: looking again at your BST header file, I think you're trying to implement a map, with key type const char *, and value type class data. However, in the insert implementation you use the < comparison operator of class data. Change your implementation to take a const char *key argument in insert, and compare these key value instead of data instances.
