Found this code on Experts Exchange. Add a reference to TypeLib Information.
Public Enum EPType
ReadableProperties = 2
WriteableProperties = 4
End Enum
Public Function EnumerateProperties(pObject As Object, pType As EPType) As Variant
Dim rArray() As String
Dim iVal As Long
Dim TypeLib As TLI.InterfaceInfo
Dim Prop As TLI.MemberInfo
On Error Resume Next
ReDim rArray(0) As String
Set TypeLib = TLI.InterfaceInfoFromObject(pObject)
For Each Prop In TypeLib.Members
If Prop.InvokeKind = pType Then
iVal = UBound(rArray)
rArray(iVal) = UCase$(Prop.Name)
ReDim Preserve rArray(iVal + 1) As String
End If
ReDim Preserve rArray(UBound(rArray) - 1) As String
EnumerateProperties = rArray
End Function
You can ask for a list of the readable, or writeable properties.
Bonus, ask if a specific property exists.
Public Function DoesPropertyExist(pObject As Object, ByVal _
PropertyName As String, pType As EPType) As Boolean
Dim Item As Variant
PropertyName = UCase$(PropertyName)
For Each Item In EnumerateProperties(pObject, pType)
If Item = PropertyName Then
DoesPropertyExist = True
Exit For
End If
End Function